- Chok Ice
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- Chok Ice Stick mix
Chok Ice Stick mix
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Our Chok Ice stick mix is made and mixed by us, so its ready for you to use.
An active mix made with Chok Ice boilie Crumb, Crushed Hemp, Tiger Nut Meal, Liver Powder, Bread Crumb and Micro Coarse pellet. A blend of Nut and hemp oils, liquid Wheat and Liquid Tiger makes a lovely combination that will pull fish through the water columns.
Not only does using a PVA stick add a lot of attraction around your hookbait as the PVA dissolves and the groundbait releases its attractants and oils drawing fish down to your hookbait, but it also helps with presentation. The groundbait can be used to hide your hooklink. Another bonus is that you know your rig will land tangle free and will settle on the lake’s bottom with the hooklink laid out straight.